The Meditation of Roses is a powerful energetic cleaning and protection tool. A technique where we can meditate actively to recover our energy and to achieve the chakras`full potential by withdrawing from our aura field energies that does not belong to us and helping us to be aware about what is true and real within ourselves.

Initiation in Meditation of Roses Technique

This initiation teaches us the Meditation of Roses technique what is the basis to Aura Reading. It help us to recognize and get in touch with our aura field in order to have a deeper insight of our physical body, feelings, mind state and spiritual energy.

It is a powerful energetic cleaning and protection tool withdrawing from our aura field emotional patterns and negative thoughts in order to create space for abundance, prosperity and happiness. The Meditation of Roses technique is a lovely way to became aware of our essence.

The Human Aura Field

The Human Aura Field

The human aura is an energy field that holds all the information about thoughts, feelings and experiences for every being. It usually extends from 30 cm to 1 meter away from the physical body in all directions and it looks like an egg of light with multiple layers.

This field vibrates and interacts with other aura fields and vibrations throughout different energies in the environment or other people which can affect and modify our vibration.

The aura field is described as having seven layers, so called subtle bodies. These are interconnected and affect each other, and we can be aware how consciousness manifests itself in these many different plans. The aura energy flows through the chakras.

The Chakras

The Chakras

The aura energy flows through the chakras. There are seven traditional chakras plus the foot chakra generally aligned from the head to toe and it look like spinning vortexes. Each of these chakras is connected to a layer of aura field. The main functions of the chakras are:

a.revitalize the aura and the physical body;
b. promote self awareness;
c. permit the flow energy between the layers of the aura.

The chakras are spinning vortexes of energy and each one is inserted in front and back positions less the first and seventh chakras. Each chakra has a vibration which is represented by a color with a quality to activate and cleaning it. A blocked energy flow can lead to different problems. In table below we can see what each chakras represents.

Table of chackas, colors end functions