Stories about Forgiveness

Day 2

The Universe teaches us in a special way. We only need to be open to synchronicity, those moments where we are 100% balanced and we become aware of the messages which we are receiving just because we are in the right place at the right time. It is a subtle and complex learning process, an infinite sequence of leaps–leaps of faith in the universe. How many leaps are needed? Several. Today I am sharing one of them which helped me to create a relationship with the Great Mother.

There I was in Portugal driving alone and finding myself at a crossroads, deciding between a drive on a charming little road or on a freeway to get more quickly to where I was going. I realized that I could choose beautiful and calm over fast and efficient. I chose the former, gentle, winding curves that lead me to Fatima´s Sanctuary.

It was almost empty there with only a few people walking on a path ahead of me. It seemed that this path led to the outdoor center so I decided to take it. As soon as I put my feet on the asphalt, it felt as if I was treading on sandy terrain; of course, it did not make any sense at all!! I stopped and stomped my feet on the ground to make sure it was a hard floor and as soon as I had done that, I felt an intense energy making its way up through my feet, going up through my legs until it began to pour out through my heart and the top of my head as a big explosion! I was like a bottle of champagne whose contents were gushing out in a continuous stream! At that moment, despite my fear, I felt an intense purification and an energetic connection with that sacred place. For the first time in my life, I fully realized what it means to be in a sacred place.

I went to the outdoor center where there was a fountain. I was surprised when I noticed that the people around me had bottles they were filling with water from the fountain. I did not understand why. When I cupped my hands to drink, I was met with another surprise. My hands were moving of their own volition and they were bringing the water towards my heart and “washing” it! There I was, overwhelmed by an intense flow of energy, literally wet, and most of all, not knowing what to do next!

Then, despite of my fear, I chose to surrender to the experience and discover what was coming next. I walked to the stairs which led to the church gate. Halfway there, there was an image of Our Lady of Fatima with, for some reason, this inscription: “Immaculate Conception.” When I read this I panicked and my rational mind “took control.” I looked at the image of Our Lady of Fatima and I began to question everything. Suddenly, I was saying out loud that there was only one way for the spirit to get inside the human dimension! Then I clearly heard a soft laugh and a voice telling me, “Yes, the spirit can only enter this dimension through a “woman’s waters.” I stopped and looked around me, but I was alone! I looked at the image and asked her if she was talking to me and I heard the answer, “You asked me a question and I’m answering you.” I began to cry, thinking that I was going nuts. She just told me to calm down and we started talking.

I took a deep breath and decided to live this experience to the end. I asked her to explain me what the meaning of this place was and she told me: “This is a place where the Great Mother Earth gives her children her waters so they can be healed. All water is sacred, that from the planet and that from women. Only through women´s waters can the spirits enter into this dimension. All kinds of water need to be respected.” At that moment I realized the profound spiritual meaning of my grandmother’s gift to my mother, from my mother’s to me, and mine to my daughter. Finally, I was able to say a prayer of thanks to my mother and I felt our hearts being cleansed from all resentment.

I needed 20 years to have the courage to talk about this experience openly. I am doing it today as a sign of gratitude on Mother’s Day, to all the women who gave their waters to their children and to the Great Mother Earth that sustains us in her waters!